четверг, 25 октября 2007 г.

Well what for she did that???!!!

"Writer JK Rowling on Friday has declared, that the hero of a series ofHarry Potter books the principal of magic Albus Percival Wulfric BrianDumbledore is a homosexual. The statement about character's untraditionalsexual orientation Rowling has made, addressing to her novels fans inCarnegie Hall in New York. When one of young listeners has asked the writera question on, whether Dumbledore had a real love, she has answered:"Dumbledor is a gay".
I'm a free enough person, and sometimes my jokes are vulgar.:) But somehow Inever wondered who sleeps with whom in Hogwarts. What relationships arebetween Hagrid and his dog and so on.
What for??? To please political correctness? For fun? And even if it was adeep author's idea. The fairy tale is named a fairy tale because Thumbelinanever was pooping, The Little Mermaid did not give prince a blowjob, andCarlson did not pitched Lillebror…
No. Ruined beyond repair. This silly woman has spoiled all fairy tale.

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